Latino Food Pyramid

Latino Food Pyramid

Meats and SweetsLess often Poultry,Eggs,Cheese, and YogurtMaterial portions, daily to weekly Fish and Seafood Often,at leasttwo times per week Fruits,Vegetables,Grains (mostly whole),Beans,Nuts,Legumes and Seeds,Herbs,and SpicesBase…

Italian Food Pyramid

Italian Food Pyramid

 ENVIRONMENTAL PYRAMID          HIGH <—-  LOW      SUGGESTED INTAKE sweets, Red Meat Cheese,Egg, White meat, Fish, Biscuits Milk, Yogurt Olive oil Bread, Pasta, Rice, potato, Legumes…

Raw Food Pyramid

Raw Food Pyramid

Raw Food Pyramid100% RAW PETER DIET FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH Least Leftover Raw DessertsDesserts that call for “setting” HintExtra Sweet Fruits;Pineapples,Pears,DatesExtra Sweet Fruit Juices BitRaw Organic…