Healing Foods Pyramid

Healing Foods Pyramid

OptionalAccompaniments – chocolets, Drinks, Green Tea WeeklyLean MeatsFish & Seafood DailyEggs,Dairy – bread, butter, MILK, Yogurt, Cheese, ice-creamSeasonings – Onion, spring onion, chilli, garlic etcHealthy…

Healthy Food Pyramid

Free Healthy Food Pyramid

FREE HONEST FOOD GUIDE The food guide built to beefit you, not Big Busiess DiseaseChronic painBehavioral disordersAggressive behaviorLearning disabilitiesHigh medical billsReproductive disordersSkin blemishes and spotsEasily…

Food Menu Pyramid

Food Menu Pyramid

Food Menu Pyramid High-fat whole foodssuch as: avocados, nuts, olives; whole food-sweetened treats; dairy substitutes such as oat, almond, rice, and soyUse Sparingly. Leafy,Green Vegetablessuch…