Free Food Pyramid
Free Food Pyramid Fats, Oils and sweetsUse sparingly Milk, Yogurt and cheese 2-3 servingsMeat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts Vegetables 3-5 servingsBroccoli, corn,…
Free Food Pyramid Fats, Oils and sweetsUse sparingly Milk, Yogurt and cheese 2-3 servingsMeat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts Vegetables 3-5 servingsBroccoli, corn,…
Free Food Pyramid Recipe AVOID Sugar, Refined Carbohydrates (flour, pasta, grains, potatoes) ORGANIC RED WINE1-2 a day (optional) SPICES & HERBS(xylitol, stevia, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon…
Free Natural food pyramid Vegetable Oils and FatsSome sweets, salt, spices,Nuts,Use Sparingly Fortified Dairy Substitutes2-3 ServingsEat Moderately Legumes, Seeds Beans Group2-3 ServingsEat Moderately Whole Grains,…
FOOD PYRAMID FOR MEXICAN FARE FATS, OILS, SWEETS use sparingly Lard, butter, candy, sour cream, vegetable oil,fried park, rinds Milk, yogurt, and cheesecustered -1 cupleche(milk)…
Food Menu Pyramid High-fat whole foodssuch as: avocados, nuts, olives; whole food-sweetened treats; dairy substitutes such as oat, almond, rice, and soyUse Sparingly. Leafy,Green Vegetablessuch…
Food Guide Pyramidfor Young ChildrenA Dally Guide for 2- to 6- Year Olds Fats & SweetsEat less MILK Group2 servings MEAT Group2 servingsVEGETABLE Group3 servingsFRUIT…