Boost Immune System during Covid19 time

Top 10 Immune Boosting Foods

Top 10 Boost Immune System during Covid19 time Citrus Fruits Vegetables Turmeric Pineapple Ginger Pumpkin Seeds Garlic Berries Yogurt Wheatgrass Source:

Latino Food Pyramid

Latino Food Pyramid

Meats and SweetsLess often Poultry,Eggs,Cheese, and YogurtMaterial portions, daily to weekly Fish and Seafood Often,at leasttwo times per week Fruits,Vegetables,Grains (mostly whole),Beans,Nuts,Legumes and Seeds,Herbs,and SpicesBase…

Food Menu Pyramid

Food Menu Pyramid

Food Menu Pyramid High-fat whole foodssuch as: avocados, nuts, olives; whole food-sweetened treats; dairy substitutes such as oat, almond, rice, and soyUse Sparingly. Leafy,Green Vegetablessuch…

Healing Foods Pyramid

Healing Foods Pyramid

OptionalAccompaniments – chocolets, Drinks, Green Tea WeeklyLean MeatsFish & Seafood DailyEggs,Dairy – bread, butter, MILK, Yogurt, Cheese, ice-creamSeasonings – Onion, spring onion, chilli, garlic etcHealthy…

Chinese Food Pyramid

Chinese Food Pyramid

Fats and Oils, 25g Milk and MilkProducts,100gBean and BeanProducts,50g Meat and Poultry,50-100gFish and Shrimp,50gEggs,25-50g Vegetables,400-500gFruits,100-200g Cereals,300-500g