Italian Food Pyramid

Italian Food Pyramid

 ENVIRONMENTAL PYRAMID          HIGH <—-  LOW      SUGGESTED INTAKE sweets, Red Meat Cheese,Egg, White meat, Fish, Biscuits Milk, Yogurt Olive oil Bread, Pasta, Rice, potato, Legumes…

Healing Foods Pyramid

Healing Foods Pyramid

OptionalAccompaniments – chocolets, Drinks, Green Tea WeeklyLean MeatsFish & Seafood DailyEggs,Dairy – bread, butter, MILK, Yogurt, Cheese, ice-creamSeasonings – Onion, spring onion, chilli, garlic etcHealthy…

Food Pyramid For Healthy Toddlers

Food Pyramid For Healthy Toddlers

Fats and Sugar (Ghee,Oil,Butter, Sugar and Jaggery) Dairy Products (Milk,Yogurt,Cheese,Paneer)(2 Servings) Fruits, Vegetables and Leafy vegetables (2-3 servings) Grains,Cereals Pulses (5-6 Servings) source :

Boost Immune System during Covid19 time

Top 10 Immune Boosting Foods

Top 10 Boost Immune System during Covid19 time Citrus Fruits Vegetables Turmeric Pineapple Ginger Pumpkin Seeds Garlic Berries Yogurt Wheatgrass Source: