Apples | Protects Your Heart | Prevents Constipation | Blocks Diarrhea | Improves Lung Capacity | Cushions Joints |
Apricots | Combats Cancer | Controls Blood Pressure | Saves Your Eyesight | Shields Against Alzheimer’s | Slows Aging Process |
Artichokes | Aids Digestion | Lowers Cholesterol | Protects Your Heart | Stabilizes Blood Sugar | Guards Against Liver Disease |
Avocados | Battles Diabetes | Lowers Cholesterol | Helps Stops Strokes | Controls Blood Pressure | Smoothes Skin |
Bananas | Protects Your Heart | Quiets A Cough | Strengthens Bones | Controls Blood Pressure | Blocks Diarrhea |
Beans | Prevents Constipation | Helps Hemorrhoids | Lowers Cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Stabilizes Blood Sugar |
Beets | Controls Blood Pressure | Combats Cancer | Strengthens Bones | Protects Your Heart | Aids Weight Loss |
Blueberries | Combats Cancer | Protects Your Heart | Stabilizes Blood Sugar | Boosts Memory | Prevents Constipation |
Broccoli | Strengthens Bones | Saves Eyesight | Combats Cancer | Protects Your Heart | Controls Blood Pressure |
Cabbage | Combats Cancer | Prevents Constipation | Promotes Weight Loss | Protects Your Heart | Helps Hemorrhoids |
Cantaloupe | Saves Eyesight | Controls Blood Pressure | Lowers Cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Supports Immune System |
Carrots | Saves Eyesight | Protects Your Heart | Prevents Constipation | Combats Cancer | Promotes Weight Loss |
Cauliflower | Protects Against Prostate Cancer | Combats Breast Cancer | Strengthens Bones | Banishes Bruises | Guards Against Heart Disease |
Cherries | Protects Your Heart | Combats Cancer | Ends Insomnia | Slows Aging Process | Shields Against Alzheimer’s |
Chestnuts | Promotes Weight Loss | Protects Your Heart | Lowers Cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Controls Blood Pressure |
Chili Peppers | Aids Digestion | Soothes Sore Throat | Clears Sinuses | Combats Cancer | Boosts Immune System |
Figs | Promotes Weight Loss | Helps Stops Strokes | Lowers Cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Controls Blood Pressure |
Fish | Protects Your Heart | Boosts Memory | Protects Your Heart | Combats Cancer | Supports Immune System |
Flax | Aids Digestion | Battles Diabetes | Protects Your Heart | Improves Mental Health | Boosts Immune System |
Garlic | Lowers Cholesterol | Controls Blood Pressure | Combats Cancer | Kills Bacteria | Fights Fungus |
Grapefruit | Protects Against Heart Attacks | Promotes Weight Loss | Helps Stops Strokes | Combats Prostate Cancer | Lowers Cholesterol |
Grapes | Saves Eyesight | Conquers Kidney Stones | Combats Cancer | Enhances Blood Flow | Protects Your Heart |
Green Tea | Combats Cancer | Protects Your Heart | Helps Stops Strokes | Promotes Weight Loss | Kills Bacteria |
Honey | Heals Wounds | Aids Digestion | Guards Against Ulcers | Increases Energy | Fights Allergies |
Lemons | Combats Cancer | Protects Your Heart | Controls Blood Pressure | Smoothes Skin | Stops Scurvy |
Limes | Combats Cancer | Protects Your Heart | Controls Blood Pressure | Smoothes Skin | Stops Scurvy |
Mangoes | Combats Cancer | Boosts Memory | Regulates Thyroid | Aids Digestion | Shields Against Alzheimer’s |
Mushrooms | Controls Blood Pressure | Lowers Cholesterol | Kills Bacteria | Combats Cancer | Strengthens Bones |
Oats | Lowers Cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Battles Diabetes | Prevents Constipation | Smoothes Skin |
Olive Oil | Protects Your Heart | Promotes Weight Loss | Combats Cancer | Battles Diabetes | Smoothes Skin |
Onions | Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack | Combats Cancer | Kills Bacteria | Lowers Cholesterol | Fights Fungus |
Oranges | Supports Immune Systems | Combats Cancer | Protects Your Heart | Straightens Respiration | |
Peaches | Prevents Constipation | Combats Cancer | Helps Stops Strokes | Aids Digestion | Helps Hemorrhoids |
Peanuts | Protects Against Heart Disease | Promotes Weight Loss | Combats Prostate Cancer | Lowers Cholesterol | Aggravatesâ Diverticulitis |
Pineapple | Strengthens Bones | Relieves Colds | Aids Digestion | Dissolves Warts | Blocks Diarrhea |
Prunes | Slows Aging Process | Prevents Constipation | Boosts Memory | Lowers Cholesterol | Protects Against Heart Disease |
Rice | Protects Your Heart | Battles Diabetes | Conquers Kidney Stones | Combats Cancer | Helps Stops Strokes |
Strawberries | Combats Cancer | Protects Your Heart | Boosts Memory | Calms Stress | |
Sweet Potatoes | Saves Your Eyesight | Lifts Mood | Combats Cancer | Strengthens Bones | |
Tomatoes | Protects Prostate | Combats Cancer | Lowers Cholesterol | Protects Your Heart | |
Walnuts | Lowers Cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Boosts Memory | Lifts Mood | Protects Against Heart Disease |
Water | Promotes Weight Loss | Combats Cancer | Conquers Kidney Stones | Smoothes Skin | |
Watermelon | Protects Prostate | Promotes Weight Loss | Lowers Cholesterol | Helps Stops Strokes | Controls Blood Pressure |
Wheat Germ | Combats Colon Cancer | Prevents Constipation | Lowers Cholesterol | Helps Stops Strokes | Improves Digestion |
Wheat Bran | Combats Colon Cancer | Prevents Constipation | Lowers Cholesterol | Helps Stops Strokes | Improves Digestion |
Yogurt | Guards Against Ulcers | Strengthens Bones | Lowers Cholesterol | Supports Immune Systems | Aids Digestion |
Download: Fruits and Vegetables Health Chart (DOC) and Fruits and Vegetables Health Chart (PDF)