Food List For Diabetes
Write your meal or daily targets for each food choice in the section below.Plan your meals by choosing foods you like from this Food List for Diabetes.
Starch & Bread | Fruit | Milk | More Carbos |
Bagel, 4 oz, 1/4 |
Apple, 1 small
Buttermilk, 1cup |
Cake, no icing,2 |
1 serving contains approximately; |
1 serving contains approximately; |
1 serving contains approximately; |
1 serving contains approximately; |
Food lists with a significant amount of carbohydrate are shown in yellow,These food groups are called “carbohydrate Choices” Each food group listed contains approximately 15 grams of carbohydrate.See above for approximate accounting of carbohydrate, protein, and fat per serving in each foo group Key; C= carbohydrate grams, P=protein grams, and F=fat grams |
Vegetables | Meat | Fat | Free Foods |
One serving is 1/2 cup |
Avocado, med, 2Tbsp |
1 serving contains approximately; |
1 serving contains approximately; |
1 serving contains approximately; |
Depending on food choice,there will be variable small amounts of C, P & F in these food choices |
Food list with little to no carbohydrate are above. Each food group has a different amount of carbohydrate, protein &fat KEY C= carbohydrate grams, p= protein grams, and F= fat grams. |
How to use the Nutrition Place Mat 1. Develop and individualized meal plan with your Registered Dietitian, Nurse, Physician or Health Educator. 2.Write your meal plan targets in the space below the food pictures. 3.For your upcoming meal or snack, circle the food item on the list that you will eat. To stay on your meal plan, eat only the total number of items allowed. 4.When your meal is completed, simply wipe off the laminated Nutrition Place Mat with a Tissue! 5.Use the Nutrition Place Mat to help follow healthy nutrition guidelines and portion control. The food pictures will help you visualize well- balanced meals! Food Information Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Ref, Release 19 |