1. Whole grains: barley, whole wheat, quinoa, oats, brown and wild rice, products like pastas and bread made from whole grains etc.
2. Healthy oils: oils that are rich in polyunsaturated and mono unsaturated fats like olive, canola, avocado oil etc.
3. Fruits and vegetables: wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables with different colors
4. Animal proteins: seafood, eggs, lean meat like chicken and turkey
5. Plant proteins: beans, nuts, soy products like tofu
6. Low fat dairy: skim milk, low fat yogurt, cheese etc.
7. Use sparingly: fried products, sugary drinks, butter, food products high in saturated fat
8. Exercise
*image is recreated based on USDA’s ‘MyPlate’ and Harvard School of Public Health’s ‘Healthy Eating Plate’