Guide to your DAILY food intake
- Limit intake of fats, oils, sugars and salts
- Milk and milk products: 2 servings
- Fish: 1 serving
- Poultry/egg/meat: 1-2 serving
- Legumes: 1 serving
- Rice, other cereals, wholegrain cereal-based products and tubers: 3-5 servings
- Plain water: 6-8 glasses (1 glass = 250ml)
- Vegetables: >3 servings
- Fruits: 2 servings
Source: Dr Tee Siong
- The recommended number of servings is calculated based on 1,500kcal, 1,800kcal and 2,000kcal for adults.
- Less active/sedentary adults should choose the minimum number of servings