Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five food groups every day. Drink plenty of water. Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high…
Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five food groups every day. Drink plenty of water. Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high…
bank food Pyramid…
Processed Foods – Eat sparinglyPasta, Noodles, Pizza Animal Protein and Oils – Eat in moderate quantitiesFish, Egg, Meat Vegetables and Fruits – Eat in generous…
WATERDrink water, tea, or coffee ( with little or no sugar ).Limit milk/dairy ( 1/2 servings/day ) and juice ( 1 small glass/day ).Avoid sugary…
Drink Mostly WaterCarrot, Broccoli, Apple, Pear, cheese, Bread, Noodles,Tofu, Grains, Rice, oilFish, Egg, cheese, Chicken,Yogurt, MilkCake, MeatChocolates, Biscuit, Candy, Soft drinks, Drinks, Pizza, Wafers, French…
Fats, Oils, Sugar & SaltUse in small amounts Meat & Alternatives3 servings (1/2 serving should come from dairy or other high calcium products) Fruit &…
Fats and Sugar (Ghee,Oil,Butter, Sugar and Jaggery) Dairy Products (Milk,Yogurt,Cheese,Paneer)(2 Servings) Fruits, Vegetables and Leafy vegetables (2-3 servings) Grains,Cereals Pulses (5-6 Servings) source :
Cake, Chocolates, Honey, Cornflakes, Butter, Milk, Oil, Bread, Egg, Chicken, Meat, Fish, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Apple, Banana, juice, carrot, orange, Tomato, Broccoli, Milk bread,Wheat bread,Pasta,…
CUT BACK ON junk foods, takeaways & foods or drinks high in sugar, salt or saturated and trans fats Eat most vegetables and fruits Eat…
Very Small Amounts – Confectionary Fat, Oils 2 Servings Daily – Fish, Meat, Beans, Eggs 3 Servings Daily – Milk, Cheese, Yorgurt 2-4 Servings Daily…