Free Food Guide Pyramid
Food guide for North American vegetarians. Fats 2 servings Oil, mayonnaise, or soft margarine 1 tsp (5ml) Calcium-rich foods 8 servings Fruit 2 servings Medium…
Food guide for North American vegetarians. Fats 2 servings Oil, mayonnaise, or soft margarine 1 tsp (5ml) Calcium-rich foods 8 servings Fruit 2 servings Medium…
Fats, Oils, Sugar & SaltUse in small amounts Meat & Alternatives3 servings (1/2 serving should come from dairy or other high calcium products) Fruit &…
Supplement your diet with Iron-rich, plant-based foods from today Lentils Green Leafy Vegetables Nuts and Raisins Soyabean Fortified Rice Fortified wheat flour Source: #EatRightIndia…
High Fiber Food Pyramid
VEGETARIAN FOOD PYRAMIDDaily Physical Activity WeeklyEggs & SweetsDailyEgg White, Soy Milk, DairyNuts, Seeds, Plant OilsEvery MealFruits & Veggies, Whole Grains, Legumes, BeansDaily Beverages: 6 Glasses…
The base of the pyramid is most important and supplements come at the end to provide you the winning edge. Supplements – Not the main…
Food Waste Pyramid REDUCEAvoid generating food waste in the first place: plan orders to avoid overproduction; maximise shelf-life through better storage; identifyIternative markets to keep…
Daily BeverageRecommendations: 6 Glasses of waterWine in moderation MonthlyMEAT WeeklySWEETSEGGSPOULTRYFISH DailyCHEESE & YOGURTOLIVE OILFRUITS-APPLE,GRAPES,MANGO,AVOCADO, strawberries BEANS, LEGUMES & NUTS VEGETABLES – Eggplant, onion, Tomatoes, cauliflower…
Fats and Sugar (Ghee, Oil, Butter, Sugar and Jaggery) Dairy Products (Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Paneer) (2 Servings) Fruits, Vegetables and Leafy vegetables (2-3 Servings) Grains,…