Balanced Food Pyramid

Balanced Food Pyramid

VEGETARIAN FOOD PYRAMIDDaily Physical Activity WeeklyEggs & SweetsDailyEgg White, Soy Milk, DairyNuts, Seeds, Plant OilsEvery MealFruits & Veggies, Whole Grains, Legumes, BeansDaily Beverages: 6 Glasses…

Food Waste Pyramid

Food Waste Pyramid

Food Waste Pyramid REDUCEAvoid generating food waste in the first place: plan orders to avoid overproduction; maximise shelf-life through better storage; identifyIternative markets to keep…

Mediterranean Food Pyramid

Mediterranean Food Pyramid

Daily BeverageRecommendations: 6 Glasses of waterWine in moderation MonthlyMEAT WeeklySWEETSEGGSPOULTRYFISH DailyCHEESE & YOGURTOLIVE OILFRUITS-APPLE,GRAPES,MANGO,AVOCADO, strawberries BEANS, LEGUMES & NUTS VEGETABLES – Eggplant, onion, Tomatoes, cauliflower…