1 myth: Weight loss is simply Calories out > Calories in
We digest food differently – influenced by our gut bacteria and metabolism. What is more important is the type of food we eat and the source of it.
2 myth: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Studies show skipping breakfast does not result in weight gain, in fact intermittent fasting has metabolic benefits leading to weight loss.
3 myth: Exercise is key to weight loss
While exercise is impot for our health, phsical activity only burns 10-30% of the calories we eat. What’s more physical activity can affect how much we eat and what we eat.
4 myth: Eating Fat makes you fat
While the low fat diet myth has be debunded by science it still prevails today. Infact eating the right fats can help you lose weigth
5 myth: Sugary drinks are more harmful than Diet drinks
While excess sugar harms our health, we are lead to believe diet drinks are harmless. Infact studies show diet soft drinks can lead to a higher risk of obesity & diabetes.
6 myth: It’s best to lose weight gradually to keep it off
Many dieticians and nutritionist advise a gradual approach to weight loss. However in clinical studies faster weight loss is associated with lower long term body weight
7 myth: Skipping meals is bad for you
The idea that skipping meals deprives the body of nutrients and sends it into starvation mode is a myth perpetuated from a fear of eating disorders. Infact intermittent fasting as part of balanced dietary approach has been found to have remarkable benefits